16 May 2009

Stubborn and Stupid.

Next time I go outside mid-afternoon, I'm DEFINITELY taking some sunscreen. This time I learned my lesson. Mom had warned me before, but who listens to mom? This time my boyfriend warned me. My still-stubborn mind was set in the usual "I'm tough, I'll be fine" mode. I had burned my face a little the day before, and I figured it couldn't get much worse. I was dead wrong. Woke up the next morning and my face was SO swollen. At the time it was not funny. It sucked. I just wanted to go bury myself. I looked like some mutant off of some horror movie. One side more swollen than the other. Now, I look at the pictures I took (you won't be seeing thoooose) and laugh at how dumb that was. Guess I'm not as tough as I thought. >_<'

Buddha had nothing on my face.

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